Class 2 2024 - 2025

Mr Simpson

Welcome to Class 2

Padiham Green_LogoRound_White.png


If you have any questions or queries please contact me on the email address:


Class 2 Staff

Class Teacher - Mr. Simpson

Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Simpson 


Days to Remember - Spring Term 2025


P.E.  -  Wednesday

Please make sure school P.E. kit is in school (white P.E. t-shirt, black shorts pumps/ trainers).

During Winter, black jogging bottoms may be worn.


Forest School  -  Thursday

Please make sure Forest School kit is in school.

This includes: 

Full school uniform (tops) with black jogging bottoms
• Wellington boots/ walking boots/ old trainers
• Waterproof coat (with a hood if possible)
• Hats and gloves in winter
• Sun hats and sun cream in summer
On rainy days waterproofs are recommended but not essential.


Please find attached extra information about our Forest School. 

/uploads/559/files/Forest School Parent leaflet 2024.pdf


Homework and Spellings - Friday

Weekly homework will be given out every Friday and due back the following Friday.

Spellings can be found on Spelling Shed and on the spelling tab above.


Library  - Friday

Library books need to be returned every Friday so that a new one can be chosen.


Reading books are sent home every night and brought back the following day.

Please encourage your child to read as often as possible at home.



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