Our Staff

Staffing Structure with Responsibilities 2023 - 2024


Headteacher/Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

Mrs. Lisa Tyrer 

Deputy Headteacher        

Mr. Mark Tranmer (Deputy DSL)

School Business Manager/Bursar

Mrs. Melissa Barber (Back-up DSL). Supported by Mrs. Natalie Bailey and Mrs. Emma Longley

Site Manager

Mr. Keith Cannon

Catering Manager

Mrs. Jackie Cumming

Class R



Mrs. Rebecca McLoughlin (Assistant Headteacher/EYFS/KS1 Lead and Back-up DSL) 

Supported by Mrs. E. Mitchell, Miss. P. Nicholson and Miss O. Mottram

Class 1


Mrs. Jennifer Morton 

Supported by Mrs. N. Imran

Class 2


Miss. Helen Mitchell

Supported by Mrs. E. Simpson (Breakfast-club supervisor)


Class 3



Mrs. Karen Hughes

Supported by Mrs. J.Mellor (After-School Club Supervisor)

Class 4


Mr. Martin Simpson

Supported by Mrs. R. Armitage

Class 5


Mrs. Laura Horne

Supported by Mrs. E. Thompson and Miss. S. Ijaz

Class 6


Mrs. Natasha Gardiner (KS2 Lead)

Supported by Miss. S. Quinn

Intervention leaders


Mrs. S. Howard (SALT)


Pastoral Lead Mr. L. Parkinson

Sports Coach


Welfare Assistants


Mr. J. O'Brien


Mrs. R. Clawson-Bowers, Mrs. E. Longley, Miss G. Murray, Mrs. C. Karisa and Mrs. A. Greaves



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