New Starters 2023 - 2024

Mrs McLoughlin

Welcome Message for new starters 2024 - 2025

Hello everyone

Welcome to our school, it is a wonderful and exciting time in your child's life when they begin their journey of educational learning at school and I imagine that you have lots of questions at this time.

You should have received a pack from us in the post containing lots of information and some consent forms.

Home visits will commence in May and June (dates are supplied in your pack) where you will receive an ‘All About Me’ pack to complete and return when your child starts school in September. Home visits are something which we really look forward to here at Padiham Green, it is our first interaction with your child and the start of their school journey with us. It is also a time when you can speak to us about your child and any concerns which you may have. 

If you have any questions after you have received your welcome pack,  please do not hesitate to contact myself at:

Please may I ask that you take the time to regularly log on to our webstite to familiarise yourself with it and also to keep an eye on this page 'New Starters' as any key information will be posted on here.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.

Best wishes

Mrs. Mac  

Assistant Headteacher

EYFS and Keystage 1 Leader

Reception Class Teacher




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