Class 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hughes

Welcome to Class 3

Padiham Green_LogoRound_White.png


Thank you for visiting our class page. We will be posting regular updates of exciting things we get up to and photos of our involvement in school life, so make sure to check back regularly.

If there is anything you need or would like to discuss, please contact me using the email addresses below.


Mrs.Hughes -


Class 3 Staff

Class Teacher - Mrs. Hughes

Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Mellor



Days to Remember - Autumn Term


Tuesday and a Wednesday - P.E.  All children are to wear their Padiham Green PE tops, jumpers, black leggings or jogging bottoms and a pair of sports trainers.

Daily - Home reading books and reading logs are due in please.

Thursday - Homeowrk to be handed in.

Friday - Weekly spelling test.

Friday -  Homework sent home




Reading books are sent home every night and brought back the following day.

Please encourage your child to read as often as possible at home.






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