Class R 2024 - 2025
Mrs McLoughlin
Welcome to Reception Class
Thank you for visiting our class page. Please select the pages at the top to help you find your way around.
If you have any questions or queries please contact me on the email address below.
Class R Staff
Class Teacher - Miss. McKelvie
Class Teaching Assistant - Mrs. Mitchell
Days to Remember
Welly Wednesday (Forest School) takes place every Wednesday afternoon.
Children will wear their school uniform.
Black jogging bottoms/ leggings should be brought and kept in reading bags.
Your child will require a rain coat and wellies every week.
In summer children will need to wear sun cream and a sun hat.
P.E. days are Wednesday and Thursday
Please make sure your child's school P.E. kit is in school
(PG P.E. t-shirt, black shorts pumps/ trainers)
They will be sent home every half term to be washed.
Library day is Friday
Please return your library book every Friday so that you are able to choose a new one for the week.
Homework is given out every Friday.
Show and Tell
Show and Tell takes place every Thursday. We encourage children to send via email any acievements/ awards or something special to them to show to the class and talk about. We ask that no toys are brought in please.
Please make sure that your child brings their school bag to school every day
along with their reading book and reading diary.
Kind regards
Mrs. Mac